Commissioned Choreographer Call Out

Application Deadline: 6pm, 23rd December 2021 
Shortlisted Applicant Interviews: 6th or 7th January 2022 
Commission Fee: £2,500 + additional support 

Taking inspiration from the music industry’s support acts, between 2021 and 2022 Richard Chappell Dance CIC will support a Welsh/Wales based early-career choreographer to create a work for performance alongside Richard Chappell Dance repertoire. Supporting Acts reimagines how companies can create a symbiotic and generous partnership with early career artists and communities.

Richard Chappell Dance is seeking applications from Welsh or Wales based early career choreographers, who are ready to start research and development on a new creation through Supporting Acts. The programme has been shaped to uplift artists through an all encompassing package of support and Richard Chappell Dance is looking to collaborate with makers who have long term ambitions for the development of their choreographic practices and voices. Supporting Acts has been funded by Arts Council Wales and The Linbury Trust and supported by National Dance Company Wales, Dance Blast, Theatr Clwyd, CULTVR and Taliesin Arts Centre. 

Who are we currently recruiting for?

A Welsh or Wales based early career choreographer 

How will the commission work?

The Choreographer will receive a commission fee and funds will be allocated to pay a chosen collaborator for the creation period. This could be a Richard Chappell Dance ensemble dancer, or a different collaborator of the choreographer’s choice. Richard Chappell Dance will support the commissioned choreographer with securing residency space for their creation with one of our Supporting Act partners, and programme the work into a performance. 

Region by Region Performances 

The commissioned choreographer will be able to choose which venue to present their work in progress at, out of Dance Blast in Abergavenny and Taliesin Arts Centre in Swansea. In Abergavenny, the work will be shared to workshop participants and local community members who have attended Richard Chappell Dance’s workshops at Dance Blast. In Swansea, the sharing will open Richard Chappell Dance’s outdoor performance of Silence Between Waves, as part of Taliesin Art Centre’s Dance Days programme. 

Commission Fee Breakdown 

Each Commissioned choreographer will be paid a fee of £2500, which is inclusive of holiday pay on Equity’s Right to Rest rates. Additional funds will be allocated to the choreographer’s work by Richard Chappell Dance to cover the fees of one collaborator for the choreographer to work with for one week of rehearsals and a performance day fee, alongside in-kind mentoring from RCD staff. 

When will the creation residencies and performances take place?

The creation residency will take place at Dance Blast in Abergavenny, or at a venue within Wales of the choreographer’s choosing if they have specific partners that they want to engage with. The residency dates are flexible and will be tailored to work around the Choreographer’s existing or predicted commitments. 

The choreographer is required to present their work in a performance at either Dance Blast or Taliesin Arts Centre. The choreographer will work in dialogue with Richard Chappell Dance to decide which performance setting would most suit their work in progress.

Performance Dates: 

Dance Blast, Abergavenny: 15th May 2022 

Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea: July 2022, exact weekend date TBC 

What support will the Choreographer receive?

The Choreographer will receive mentoring from Richard Chappell and other Richard Chappell Dance staff in project management, self producing and audience development. If wanted, the choreographer may also receive dramaturgical support for their creation for one day of research and development. The support has been designed to be offered throughout the project, and legacy support will be shaped from the choreographer’s reflections and needs after the performance date. 

Can you cover access costs?

Yes, access funds are available to be used as required. Please let us know when you are applying if you have any access requirements you would like us to be aware of.

This information will not affect the selection process, but will be used in our forward planning for the project and, if applicable, will be taken into account in our methods of communication with you throughout the application process to make it as accessible and convenient for you as possible. Should you have specific questions about access needs and costs, please do get in touch and we can facilitate a conversation. 

How do I apply?

Please complete the application Google form  by 6pm on the 23rd December 2021. Should you require the application form as a Word Document, please email and we will send it to you via email. We would like to hear about your choreographic practice and your appetite to grow and shape it. We would also like to see examples of your past choreography. If video examples of this are not available to you, then filmed explorations in a dance studio or examples of other work which you have had a choreographic contribution towards, could be used instead. 

We are passionate about our programmes for artists creating more equity  across the dance sector and are conscious of the challenges artists face when applying for work to facilitate their practices. This application process has been designed to not be too time consuming for applicants and your writing within the form could range from a few clear and direct sentences, to a longer explanation. We are conscious that word limits can sometimes limit an artist’s honesty when describing their work and force more time to be spent on an application than necessary. We want to hear transparently about your work and needs and the length of answer to each question will not determine the strength of the application. Please contact us if you want this information in other formats.

If you would prefer to create a video application, please send us a video no more than 5 minutes long, containing the information requested in the form. 

Who do I contact if I have any questions about the project or my application?

If you have any questions around the Supporting Acts project or your application, please contact 

Richard Chappell Dance welcomes applications from the global majority and artists living with disability, neuro-divergence or learning difficulty. We also welcome applications by artists who are from working class backgrounds, or those who have experienced past or recent economic hardship.

Supporting Acts Choreographer Call Out English 
Supporting Acts Choreographer Application Form English 

Galwad am Goreograffydd Comisiwn

Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ymgeisio: 6pm, 23 Rhagfyr 2021
Cyfweliadau gydag ymgeiswyr ar y rhestr fer: 6 neu 7 Ionawr 2022
Y ffi: £2,500 + cymorth ychwanegol

Gan ddwyn ysbrydoliaeth o berfformiadau ategol y diwydiant cerddoriaeth, rhwng 2021 a 2022 bydd Richard Chappell Dance CIC yn cynorthwyo coreograffydd Cymraeg/a leolir yng Nghymru, ac sydd yng nghamau cynnar ei yrfa, i greu gwaith ar gyfer perfformiad ochr yn ochr â repertoire Richard Chappell Dance. Mae Supporting Acts yn ailddehongli’r modd y gall cwmnïau greu partneriaeth symbiotig a hael gyda chymunedau ac artistiaid sydd yng nghamau cynnar eu gyrfa.

Mae Richard Chappell Dance yn chwilio am geisiadau gan goreograffwyr Cymraeg neu rai a leolir yng Nghymru. Dylent fod yng nghamau cynnar eu gyrfa a dylent fod yn barod i ddechrau ymchwilio a datblygu creadigaeth newydd trwy gyfrwng Supporting Acts. Lluniwyd y rhaglen er mwyn iddi allu rhoi hwb i artistiaid trwy gyfrwng pecyn cymorth cynhwysfawr, ac mae Richard Chappell Dance yn awyddus i gydweithio gyda chrëwyr a chanddynt uchelgeisiau hirdymor ar gyfer datblygu eu lleisiau a’u harferion coreograffig. Ariannwyd Supporting Acts gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a The Linbury Trust gyda chefnogaeth Cwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru, Dance Blast, Theatr Clwyd, CULTVR a Chanolfan Gelf Taliesin.

Pwy ydym yn eu recriwtio ar hyn o bryd?

Coreograffydd Cymraeg/a leolir yng Nghymru, ac sydd yng nghamau cynnar ei yrfa.

Sut y bydd y comisiwn yn gweithio?

Bydd y Coreograffydd yn cael ffi ar gyfer y comisiwn, a bydd arian yn cael ei ddyrannu ar gyfer talu i gydweithredwr dethol yn ystod y cyfnod creu. Gall y cydweithredwr hwn fod yn un o ddawnswyr ensemble Richard Chappell Dance, neu’n gydweithredwr gwahanol o ddewis y coreograffydd. Bydd Richard Chappell Dance yn cynorthwyo’r coreograffydd comisiwn i sicrhau man preswylio ar gyfer ei greadigaeth gydag un o’n partneriaid sy’n rhan o’r rhaglen Supporting Acts, gan gynnwys y gwaith mewn perfformiad.

Perfformiadau Fesul Rhanbarth

Bydd modd i’r coreograffydd comisiwn ddewis ym mha leoliad y bydd ei ‘waith ar y gweill’ yn cael ei gyflwyno, sef naill ai Dance Blast yn y Fenni neu Ganolfan Gelfyddydau Taliesin yn Abertawe. Yn y Fenni, bydd y gwaith yn cael ei rannu gyda chyfranogwyr gweithdai ac aelodau o’r gymuned leol sydd wedi mynychu gweithdai Richard Chappell Dance yn Dance Blast. Yn Abertawe, bydd y dasg o rannu’r gwaith yn agor perfformiad awyr agored Richard Chappell o Silence Between Waves, fel rhan o raglen Diwrnodau Dawns Canolfan Gelfyddydau Taliesin.

Manylion y Ffi

Bydd pob coreograffydd comisiwn yn cael ffi o £2500, sy’n cynnwys tâl gwyliau ar gyfraddau ‘Hawl i Orffwys’ Equity. Bydd Richard Chappel Dance yn dyrannu arian ychwanegol ar gyfer gwaith y coreograffydd er mwyn talu ffioedd un cydweithredwr y bydd modd i’r coreograffydd weithio gydag ef yn ystod wythnos o ymarferion, ynghyd â ffi diwrnod perfformio, ochr yn ochr â mentora o fath arall gan staff RCD.

Pryd fydd y preswyliadau creu a’r perfformiadau’n cael eu cynnal?

Bydd y preswyliad creu yn cael ei gynnal yn Dance Blast yn y Fenni, neu mewn lleoliad arall yng Nghymru o ddewis y coreograffydd os oes ganddo bartneriaid penodol y dymuna weithio gyda nhw. Bydd dyddiadau’r preswyliad yn hyblyg, a byddant yn cael eu teilwra ar sail ymrwymiadau presennol neu ddisgwyliedig y Coreograffydd.

Bydd yn ofynnol i’r coreograffydd gyflwyno’i waith mewn perfformiad a gynhelir naill ai yn Dance Blast neu yng Nghanolfan Gelfyddydau Taliesin. Wrth i’r gwaith fynd yn ei flaen, bydd y coreograffydd yn gweithio ar y cyd â Richard Chappell Dance i benderfynu pa leoliad fydd y lleoliad mwyaf addas.

Dyddiadau’r perfformiadau:

Dance Blast, Y Fenni: 15 Mai 2022

Canolfan Gelfyddydau Taliesin, Abertawe: Gorffennaf 2022, nid yw’r union wythnos wedi’i chadarnhau eto

Sut fath o gymorth fydd y Coreograffydd yn ei gael?

Bydd y Coreograffydd yn cael cymorth mentora gan Richard Chappell a staff eraill yng nghwmni Richard Chappell Dance mewn perthynas â rheoli’r prosiect, hunangynhyrchu a datblygu cynulleidfaoedd. Pe bai angen, efallai hefyd y bydd y coreograffydd yn cael cymorth mewn dramayddiaeth ar gyfer ei greadigaeth, a hynny ar gyfer un diwrnod o ymchwil a datblygu. Bwriedir i’r cymorth gael ei gynnig drwy gydol y prosiect, a bydd unrhyw gymorth dilynol yn cael ei lunio ar sail myfyrdodau ac anghenion y coreograffydd ar ôl dyddiad y perfformiad.

A fyddwch yn talu costau mynediad?

Byddwn. Mae arian mynediad ar gael fel bo’r angen. Pan fyddwch yn anfon eich cais atom, rhowch wybod inni fod gennych anghenion mynediad yr hoffech inni fod yn ymwybodol ohonynt.

Ni fydd yr wybodaeth hon yn effeithio ar y broses ddethol, ond bydd yn cael ei defnyddio wrth inni rag-gynllunio’r prosiect, a hefyd byddwn yn ystyried yr wybodaeth yn ein dulliau o gyfathrebu gyda chi drwy gydol y broses ymgeisio, os bydd hynny’n berthnasol, er mwyn sicrhau y bydd y broses mor hygyrch a hwylus â phosibl ichi. Os bydd gennych gwestiynau penodol yn ymwneud â chostau ac anghenion mynediad, mae croeso ichi gysylltu ac yna gallwn drefnu sgwrs ynglŷn â’r mater.

Sut ydw i’n ymgeisio?

Llenwch y ffurflen cais Google erbyn 6yh ar y 23ydd o Ragfyr 2021. Os bydd angen y ffurflen cais arnoch fel Dogfen Word, e-bostiwch ac anfonwn ni atoch chi trwy e-bost. Hefyd, hoffem weld enghreifftiau o goreograffi yr aethoch i’r afael ag ef yn y gorffennol. Os nad oes gennych fideos o’ch coreograffi, gallwch ddefnyddio astudiaethau a ffilmiwyd mewn stiwdio ddawns neu enghreifftiau o waith arall y gwnaethoch gyfrannu at ei goreograffi.

Rydym yn danbaid dros ein rhaglenni ar gyfer artistiaid sy’n creu gwell tegwch trwy’r sector dawns, ac rydym yn ymwybodol o’r heriau sy’n wynebu artistiaid pan fyddant yn ymgeisio am waith i hwyluso’u harferion. Lluniwyd y broses ymgeisio hon mewn modd sy’n sicrhau na fydd hi’n rhy drafferthus i’r ymgeiswyr, a gall yr hyn a nodwch yn eich cais amrywio o ychydig frawddegau clir ac uniongyrchol, i esboniad hirach. Gwyddom y gall cyfyngu ar nifer y geiriau arwain o dro i dro at gyfyngu ar onestrwydd yr artist wrth iddo ddisgrifio’i waith, a’i orfodi i dreulio mwy o amser na’r angen ar y cais. Hoffem glywed am eich gwaith a’ch anghenion mewn modd cwbl dryloyw, ac ni fydd hyd yr atebion a gynigir ar gyfer y cwestiynau yn arwydd o gryfder y cais. Os hoffech gael yr wybodaeth hon mewn fformatau eraill, cofiwch gysylltu â ni.

Pe bai’n well gennych lunio eich cais ar ffurf fideo, anfonwch fideo hyd at 5 munud o hyd atom, a chofiwch gynnwys yr wybodaeth y gofynnir amdani uchod.

 phwy y dylwn gysylltu os oes gennyf gwestiynau ynglŷn â’r prosiect neu’r cais?

Os oes gennych gwestiynau’n ymwneud â’r prosiect Supporting Acts, neu ymholiadau ynglŷn â’ch cais, cysylltwch â’r canlynol:

Mae Richard Chappell Dance yn croesawu ceisiadau gan y mwyafrif byd-eang yn ogystal â chan artistiaid sy’n byw gydag anabledd, niwrowahaniaeth neu anhawster dysgu. Rydym hefyd yn croesawu ceisiadau gan artistiaid sy’n dod o gefndiroedd dosbarth gweithiol, neu rai sydd wedi mynd trwy galedi economaidd yn ddiweddar neu yn y gorffennol.

CYMRAEG Supporting Acts Call Out PDF 

CYMRAEG Supporting Acts Application Form